We are moving all Atari Lynx related content over to Atari Lynx Vault and all our shop content over to K-Retro Gaming. Please update your bookmarks!
As a result of this change, the following will no longer be available: Online Lynx Emulator, Collection Tracker, Game Ratings, News. If you are interested in contributing content to Atari Lynx Vault, we are seeking editors and maintainers.
Why is this happening? First - the Atari Gamer branding is changing to K-Retro Gaming to allow us to expand to providing games, replacement parts, and mod services to other game consoles. And second - The content management system running Atari Gamer is out of date and Google AppEngine (where the website runs) will no longer allow it to run after the 30th January 2024, so in order to preserve all content we switched to a new and modern content management system and chose a website domain that better suits the subject matter. Since we are operating this website in our spare time, on top of full time family and job committments, some features had to be dropped.
RESULTS OF THE 4th ANNUAL ATARI HOMEBREW AWARDS! Congratulations to everyone who made homebrew games in 2021, the nominees and the recipients of this year's Awards! We had an amazing time broadcasting the event yesterday, thank you to everyone who tuned in to watch. If you missed the live stream, you can watch the video below.
Voting and discussion for the awards was held over at Atari Age at this thread - 4th Annual Atari Homebrew Awards: Voting Information & Discussion. These awards covered the 2600, 7800, 8-bit/5200 and of course our favourite - Atari Lynx. You can see the poll and discussion about Lynx Homebrew here, but for those wanting to know already...here are the results...
We're really happy here at Atari Gamer to have been part of these awards and are looking forward to next year's! Huge thanks to James and team at Zero Page Homebrew for organising this!